Steering Committee Meeting: May 10th,
2:30 PM, Assembly Chambers
- Chris
Mertl, Corvus Design
- Don
Beard, Tetra Tech Engineering
- John
Hudson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Rachel
Ford, Taiya Inlet Watershed Council (TIWC)
- Darren
Belisle, Alaska Power and Telephone (AP&T)
- Jaime
Bricker, White Pass and Yukon Route (WP&YR)
- Mark
Shaeffer, WP&YR, Municipality of Skagway (MOS) Assembly
- Theresa
Thibault, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (KLGO)
- Paul
Burger, KLGO
Mertl presented the refined preferred conceptual design and layout that
included comments from the last public meeting. Also presented was a series of
illustrations showing typical cross sections and elevations for the proposed
trail, bridges, dripping platforms, and a variety of raised observation
platforms (click here for these images, as assembled into final concept document). Drawing packages were provided. Don Beard gave input about technical
engineering elements included in the StreamWalk. Based on walking the site
earlier, Don and Chris provided the following comments that would have impact
(positive or negative) to the design or the budget.
- Excavation
for trail placement could be minimal due to the characteristics of the
landscape and existing sand/gravel, greatly reducing the budget. Local trail
and building materials are available at low cost.
- Can use
pre-engineered bridges to replace the old footbridge downstream from Pullen
Pond or to install new bridges along that same reach; however, manufacturing custom
bridges could be more cost-effective.
- In order
to provide more space for pedestrians and a safe separation between the
StreamWalk and railway in the vicinity of the green bridge, the StreamWalk
needs to be moved away from the railroad tracks. The original plan was to cut
off 8 feet of the green bridge and create more land adjacent Pullen Creek by
using a vertical crib wall at the creek edge rather than the sloped crib system
currently in place. It could be possible to pick the bridge up and move it away
from the railway tracks, then extend the fence and add a gate for safety reasons.
- Getting
the local community involved in trail building, where possible, will save money
and promote ownership of the trail.
design had positive and favorable acceptance. One concern from a member of the
Committee was that the helical screws shown as boardwalk stabilizers have a
tendency to get snapped in the drilling process due to the boulders and cobbles
in the soil. Alternative approaches include use of treated wood footings or use
of micropiles, which is a process that pumps grout into a drilled tube becoming
a piling. The Committee also expressed that their desire was to see the entire
construction design plans finalized before any construction began. This is in
contrast to designing sections and then building them as the community
since the last public meeting provided new information and resulted in some unresolved
- Work
with WPYR, APT, and Robert Murphy about trail between the green bridge and the
NPS property. WPYR and AP&T are willing participants but there has not yet
been a conversation with Murphy about whether or not the StreamWalk can be
incorporated into the recently abandoned right-of-way that is now under his
private ownership.
- Resolve
questions about the area around the Penial Mission house. Possible land trade
between landowner and NPS would change the existing plans to go through the
Penial yard.
- Land
survey is needed to ensure trail accessibility and property limits.
- Permitting
for use of land. USFWS will be a large help on this issue.
- Historical
preservation of excavated sites. The proposed StreamWalk goes through a large
undisturbed archeological site and the appropriate measures must be taken to
comply with land use regulations. NPS will be the contact agency.
- Agreements
about maintenance of the trail
- Portions
of the historic Pullen homestead are up for sale and could be a significant
asset to the project if the route can travel through portions of this property
and add to the historic, cultural and environmental aspects of the StreamWalk
as well as make easier access from the Moore homestead to the City Museum. Need
to investigate what portions are available and if partnership for purchase is

(photo above: From left to right, Kyle Rosendale, Mike Korsmo, Rachel Ford)
Public Meeting: May 10th, 6:00 PM,
Chamber of Commerce
design team (Corvus, Tetra Tech) and project leads (TIWC, USFWS) presented the
same information at a public meeting and asked those present to discuss their
priorities for the project. Members of the public were allowed to ‘vote’ on the
various elements of the Draft Concept Plans (click here for the Draft) that they believed were the highest priority for the community
in the establishment of a StreamWalk. Due to funding limitations, the project
would require a phased approach.
- Provide
an ADA accessible trail on north side of Pullen Pond from the Broadway Dock to
the north side of Congress Way as the first segment.
- Create a
gateway at Congress Way just north of Pullen Pond as an important place to draw
in visitors who are coming off the Railroad Dock. Need to work with WPYR and
Municipality to improve pedestrian safety, and reduce congestion and pedestrian
confusion in this area. Could also benefit the StreamWalk by getting people to
the north side of Congress Way and to the next segment of Pullen Creek and the
existing StreamWalk.
- Improving
the habitat and ecosystem in and around Pullen Pond and riparian restoration
along entire creek
- Provide
dipping platform and educational resources for children, both local and
- Replace
existing footbridge downstream of Pullen Pond
- Provide
two overlooks with interpretive signage in Zone 2
- Create gateway
at beginning of Zone 1 a great place to grab visitors’ attention at the
Broadway Dock.
- Provide
one overlook with interpretive signage in Zone 1, if possible. Clean up
vegetation to allow viewing into creek.
- Widen
StreamWalk adjacent to the green bridge, move the bridge, and expand timber
fence between StreamWalk and railway tracks. Provide pedestrian gate for those
wanting to cross tracks and get to Dewey Lake trail.
- Improve
existing unorganized pedestrian route in Zone 4 through the installation of a
boardwalk that will provide connection to the Moore house as a natural place to
end the first set of constructed elements.
Steering Committee Meeting: May 11th,
8:30 AM, AP&T
community priorities were presented to several Steering Committee Members the
next morning. Present were representatives from KLGO, AP&T, and WP&YR.
All members supported the list of priorities. Discussion topics of this
- Who
assumes liability for the trail once constructed? It liability would likely
fall on MOS, who owns the final trail, but the landowners who allow for an
easement for the trail will want to be clear about who is responsible for
accidents. Partnership agreements may be a way to share responsibility.
- Enhancing
Pullen Pond for the local kids would be a great asset. A lot of energy is
placed in developing tourist attractions, and it would be nice to put emphasis
providing assets for Skagway’s children and also children who travel with
- What
kind of wood does NPS use for handrails in the area? The StreamWalk should stay
consistent with existing area infrastructure.
- Need to
coordinate with the Department of Transportation Gateway Project (Theresa is
the NPS contact for that project).
- Need to
look at property for sale at Pullen Homestead and resolve possible access
through Murphy property.
The next
steps as planned by the Design Team:
- A report
will be created that includes the conceptual design, refined preliminary budget,
pictures of the existing conditions along Pullen Creek, and community
- The
report will be presented to the MOS assembly with letters of support from the
Steering Committee entities. These members will be encouraged to speak at the
assembly meeting in support of the project.
- It is
hoped that the MOS Assembly will then give its support for the StreamWalk
priorities and overall conceptual design.
- Once
adopted/supported by Steering Committee and MOS the final product can be used
to secure funding for the project.
- Funding
so far:
and MOS have already committed $30,000 each for the design phase for priorities
- Several
grants have been submitted for construction but no approval yet.